Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A simply difficult roadmap...

Thinking on the word success, only one word that could ever even come close to comparing evenly is happiness.
Sure, some may define success as being rich, or being famous, a combination of the two possibly...but I've never found those ideas intoxicating.
I think, in all reality, success is defined by a persons level of happiness, their elation meter, if you will.
Success may be an end to pursue...but it is more than that.
It is every step of the way.
Every decision you make will always effect your life tomorrow.
It can make or break you.
And it is either a successful or unsuccessful venture.
I believe everything can be related to success.
How you live your life, what you choose to eat, what you choose to do, who you go out with, how late you stay up...down to the minuscule details that you thought weren't even important.
I believe success is dependent upon the individual. Their drive, their passion...everything.
Sometimes...one does have to find a bit of luck...but for the most part, I believe it's self-discipline that gets you there.
I'm not sure how best to put it, because there are so many ideas in my head, thoughts that are having trouble coming to life through these fingers.
Success=happiness and also equals life....but life does not necessarily equate to happiness...ah, it's all so confusing.
And the best part of all of this is that I am figuring out my own beliefs, becoming my own person and not being dictated into what I should and should not believe.
I guess I am influenced to a degree by all that I surround myself with, but I am deciding what to take from all of it.
I love growing up, I'm learning so much...and yet, I'm so afraid of what is yet to come. I shouldn't be. I feel I should really open my arms wide and accept with gratitude all I am given, and all that I work so hard for.
I'm glad I'm at a position in life where I'm making my own choices and decisions. I've waited so long for this, and now that it's here...well, these decisions really are much more difficult than I imagined they would be...but It is I, I'm the one in charge of my own life, of the direction I'm going in. No longer am I being pulled by the wrist in the direction of my parents will, it is mine!
I'm growing up, I will admit, some of it scares me, but I'm too enthralled with the changing atmospheres to be affected by the fear.