Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Provacative Questions

Sitting up in the airplane, watching the clouds pass by, watching as we fly over this wide and winding river...I think to myself, "what river is that?" "What rivers are there in Texas?" "Are we in Texas?" Then I wonder, "do we have to be in Texas?" "Could we be elsewhere?" "No, we have to be in Texas. We're only 30 minutes from landing" I think back to that river. I'm so lost and confused. What river is that? Then, in my mind, I see a picture of the United States, without boundaries, like in a satellite picture.I wonder, where is Texas, Colorado. Where are the other states? Why are there states? Why do boundaries exist? They're only political lines, drawn for power...yes, its power they're drawn for, not for the land in and of itself, but for th people in control of said land, owners (?) of the land. But if we didn't have boundaries, it's not like full chaos would ensue...would it?
Can one even "own" land? What is there to own that is ours? Is our life our own? Do we belong to ourselves?
What is ownership?
Ownership is only as valid as others are convinced it is That's where power is created(?). but why?
Human greed?
Where was the first taste of power? That first taste of greed?
Eve and the apple? .
Knowledge is power. Hierarchies. Are human beings (homo sapiens) really able to be better than another human?
How is one human being so simplistically and systematically labelled, organized, and stored for future reference?
What happened to humanity?
Are we all a science project?
Will we just throw out the bad and keep the good?
How do we decide and decipher the "good" from the "bad"?
What is a good trait?
What is a bad trait?
Who is allowed to decide this?

These are only questions, but I want to answer them.