Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another qualm with society

Perhaps Islam is a religion of extremists, what then? There are many religions that call for extremism. Read the book of Leviticus in the Holy Bible, and you will see what early Christianity called for. What extremes their god asked of them. And compare it to what the extremists of Islam are invoking of the Karan. They are doing nothing that Christian extremists don’t do. Now, I do not imply here that fundamental Christians are anything akin to Christian extremists, but if we are to say that Islam extremists are synonymous to every Muslim, we must also assume that every Christian is an extremist. Every Christian must kill every “witch” they meet, every homosexual. Every Christian must not allow another human being to work on the Sabbath. But do they?

So why must we assume these things of these people? Does it make us any safer? Do we feel righteous to tell these people that they are wrong, and we are right? What is the real truth, why must our truth trump their truth? Why can’t we be wrong, in their eyes we are the intolerable ignorant of America, and the opposite is true of us. All we can focus on is how outrageous Islam seems to us. How could someone BELIEVE that? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Guess what Christians; The Holy Trinity makes absolutely no sense to the rest of us. God is one, but he’s three? WHAT THE FUCK???? Exactly. So shut the hell up and let the rest of the world have a say. Wouldn’t it make sense, if we were to think about it for one second in a creationist’s perspective, that there would be multiple gods, each specialized to be in charge of one aspect of creation? Couldn’t they be more knowledgeable if one were to think about it in that regard? I say yes, and that’s only as an outsider, an agnostic per say. But to many, religion isn’t about making sense, it’s about believing, having faith. The only question I have is where did all of this religion start?

It had to begin somewhere, do they all spawn from one common belief? If it did, where did it start, and what do all of the religions of the world have in common?