Thursday, August 18, 2011

The end of America as we thought we knew it

I feel like having a political rant right about now, so let me be.
If any of you know me, you'll know that I'm a crazy leftist liberal hell-bent on ruining our capitalist markets.....or what the Religious Right would have you believe.
Really? I'm all about equality for EVERYONE. Not just in classes, but between classes. Our society so values wealth that the wealthy have even been able to convince the middle and lower classes that it's a good thing to have the mega-rich squander away all of our capital....somehow.
And to be totally honest, I don't agree. Call me anit-American all you want, because what I want is for the America I grew up believing in to be what it has always promised to be, a place to live in with a dream of living without worry and anxiety.
Apparently that's anit-American rhetoric, however. Because I want the mega-rich to pay taxes on their share and to let the rest of us live in peace. I am NOT against the wealthy, I only think that they have to pay their fair share. Why are WE supporting them when they can support themselves and 5 small nations? Huh? It doesn't make any sense, and the fact that the extreme poor are following their rhetoric is outrageous.
Don't even get me started on the Religious's their goal to make this country into a real God-fearing bring Jesus and "God" into schools and make everyone believe that the bible is the full truth and nothing but the truth. This shit is pervasive enough as it is. Swearing to the Flag "under God," swearing to tell the truth and nothing but the truth on the bible.
And even funnier is that these nut cases want us to believe this insane ideology while they go behind our backs and do the exact opposite. Double-speak.
Our country is living the book 1984....every right that is taken away is one step closer to a third world inequality. Do we really want that? It almost seems like there's no hope for America. Get out while you still can!!!!