Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day!

Ok, so I know it's a bit late to be all "yay! it's earth day!"
But! I can give awesome advice on how to live green and celebrate earth day everyday, without the big expensive equipment!
It's as easy as flipping a switch. Make sure your lights are OFF. It's simple...if there's light, and no one is using it, turn it out. No one needs that wasted energy.
Almost as easy as the first, unplug unused appliances. You know, the microwave, the toaster, the blender, the television, your cell phone charger, the AC/heater, your computer/laptop charger, etc. It really is that simple.
RECYCLE! It is really simple. There are recycling bins just about everywhere any more. Most large businesses own personal recycling bins, and even most large cities give out recycling bins to every house/apartment complex. Recycle your paper, plastics, cardboard, Styrofoam, etc. Almost everything is recyclable anymore, just avoid trying to recycle aluminum, wax, or anything with food particles stuck on it.
Compost. It's really simple, and even helps make lawns prettier without expensive fertilizer. And! did you know that 1/3 of the world's land fills are made up of perfectly biodegradable kitchen waste? No? Well now you do! So find a bin, a place in the back yard, anything, and put your extra lettuce, greens of strawberries, banana peels, left over broccoli, etc.!

have fun! be safe! and most of all, keep our planet clean and beautiful for years to come!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Have you ever wanted to forget something so terribly badly that you actually did?
Well, if I have, I would never know.
But this one incident makes me wish I never started talking to him.
And it's made me think, I've heard of the brain doing some crazy stuff to keep the body safe.
Like, an internal safety switch. If something hurts so bad, traumatized you to a degree that you would no longer be able to function, your brain presses the delete key.
It never happened.
And you go on your merry way.
I can only imagine it wouldn't be that simple.
But yeah, it would be easier if none of this shit ever happened in the first place.
I wouldn't be stuck here, him on my mind...when he has no right to be.
Life is just too effing complicated.