Sunday, September 25, 2011


So...I don't necessarily want to talk about any one person....but sometimes...just like. You have to be conscious of who is in the room. I love when people have different opinions, however, please don't judge MY opinion AND don't be rude about yours. Kay??? Jeez-us.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Not sure of a title quite yet. I hate titles.

I never wanted to be the girl defining her life by relationships....oh well. I also decided early on that I wouldn't drink or do anything horrifically modifying to my body (like thousands of piercings). We've seen how that went.
I want to start off by saying that It's been 4 months since he broke up with me. More or less. I really really really really really really wanted to be over it by now. I'm mostly over it...but I wish it didn't bother me so much that he doesn't want to talk since I've started seeing somebody else.
One thing I can thank whatever deity may exist is that I'm not one of those girls who conforms to her guy of the moment's trends...nope. not me. I'm not a chameleon in that regards. I like to think that I'm more like a rock than a puddle of water...but maybe that's just me. Water is as malleable as anything on earth...shape and size and consistency anyways. But rock...rock is not. it may weather over time...but it does not change the shape of itself as quickly as a puddle will.
Speaking of seems like it's always raining in Ithaca...making me realize how much I want to be a child again...when I didn't mind getting wet in the rain. As an adult I'm always rushing through the rain to some undisclosed location. It's worrisome. I want to be more child like. I remember one rainstorm in San Antonio where me and my younger brother played in the mud and pretended to be Indians...or Native Americans. We called them Indians because children aren't as bothered by political correctness as the rest of the world, aka the adult population.
Anyways, I miss those days of relatively little responsibility. I suppose I will also look back on my College days and miss this, too. Little responsibility + drinking age. :)
By the way, Kant. Yeah. He is a very dense read.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

So Far Gone

The semester has begun and I'm as busy as ever.
This should be no surprise by now, but I'm always consumed by my work and studying...and I can never get used to getting off of break mode. I've been doing this for years, you would think I would know by now, right? Oh well.
Life is it should be. I'm having problems in my love life, as well, however.
I guess time will only tell how it all goes.
I'm sorry about how bad this is, I haven't been writing since I went to Cape Cod and since I moved in for the semester, has just been rough. Let's leave it at that. At the same time, I've started following all of my new friends on here, and it's come to the point where I feel I should probably be doing something on here. I feel so much like a bum. I need to get more soon as I have more time to think and breathe....come on Cornell!
Life will go on. Someday soon.