Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cars 2

I know this is a movie geared towards children, and it did a good job. But it has a couple of good lessons for adults as well, something that I hope I can take from this movie and put into my life.
Without ruining the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I just want to say that the movie strongly upholds friendship. We see Mater and McQueen have a fight, but we also see them get back together, because that's what best friends do, right? I'm sure many of us think that. But the big thing to grasp here is that we all make mistakes, and that real friends don't intentionally hurt one another. We have to remember forgiveness is essential to every relationship we will ever have, and that friends are the best things we can come by in life. True friendships are rare and should never be forgotten.
Forgive your friends, accept them for who they are, and life will be kind for you.


Tonight was my first night out at a Texas dancehall...and I learned some rules about how- and what-tos.
I thought I would be kind and share some of these rules with you, just in case you care to venture out into one.
1. It's ok to wear whatever you want, you don't have to dress like a country bumpkin, but wear clothes that you can move around in comfortably.
2. The same rules apply to shoes, but the general shoe most appropriate for this type of venue is the famous Texas Cowboy Boot. It's an unwritten necessity (for both men and women).
3. Find someone to teach you the basic two-step, you don't want to make yourself look like a tool in front of the women you want to take home...and women, this is easy, find a man who's standing or sitting around that looks like a possible cowboy....he probably knows how to two-step and would be glad to teach you.
4. Don't sit out all night, find someone and DANCE.

Those are my lessons from the night. Oh...more lessons and rules to follow about general etiquette in different places. Love you guys. :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

My First Vegetarian Restaurant

I went to my first vegetarian restaurant today, with a couple of friends, one of whom is vegan.
I surprised myself with how much I knew about veganism vs vegetarianism and different nutrition facts about dairy products, protein...and just all around knowledge about it. I'm so happy that I went. It's a wonderful place, and I want to go again before I go back to Ithaca. I absolutely loved it. I got mushroom stroganoff and a vegan cupcake for dessert. I've been wanting to go towards vegetarianism for a while, and I truly think I got my kick-start today, and on top of that, I joined a vegetarian co-op for next year. Maybe this isn't going to be as hard as I thought.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We the People

It's sad when corporations are considered freer than we are. We are people, right? Are they more a person than we could hope to be?
I think it's kind of ridiculous that big corporations get bigger breaks than we could ever hope to have anymore.
If you think about the whole Walmart thing, you would begin to see how big a reach money can have, apparently you can not only buy out politicians, but you can buy judges too. Soon enough you can buy out entire police forces too....this sounds very mob like, to me.
When did this start? When was it that I was no longer a priority to my government? I don't know, and I'm not sure we can rally enough people to agree so that we can even have an IMPACT on this new thought process the government is taking up. It's a new Guilded Age. Peasants against peasants. That's how they keep the peace. They pit us against one another just long enough so that they can pull something off while we're busy fighting, and we would NEVER KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
This is the scariest thing on Earth.
I want out of this Country. As soon as possible.

Monday, June 20, 2011

From Scratch?

I was talking with a fellow blogger today and I was telling her about how difficult it is to blog consistently. She said that it's never a bad idea to start blogging again, and I agree. I supposed with the way I've been blogging for a while I have never really set a certain path on my posts, but I think I'll have a certain theme, or at least I'll try to have one, for the rest of my blogs. There's just so much that I'm passionate about, but being busy with school and what not can get in the way of making time for this.
But for you, my readers, I will devote time to this....I need to find a camera and take pictures to talk about this as well.
Man, I'm SO behind the times. Help!
