Sunday, April 1, 2012


Inspiration comes from the strangest of places. And at the worst moment imaginable. It's not that you don't want to be inspired. Inspiration is good. It's only that you wished that happier things inspired you. Don't we all. Perhaps it was the chick falling from the branch that made you ponder on strife. Maybe it was the passing glance of a stranger that made you recognize how terribly alone you feel right now. It could have been the awkward laughter at the dinner table...the laughter that you had nothing to do with...that made you come here. I don't have the answers. I don't pretend to. I do know, however, that life's hardships bring more hardship. That these fleeting feelings of happiness are better defined as a lack of hardship. It is this enlightenment that have brought many a man to his knees. To know that it never ends. That is the worst knowledge. Would you ask Eve to stay away from that tree? Would you beg? Perhaps it is only easier to remember the hard times. To know distance and heartache...I would not wish that upon you. You have come here with that knowledge, already. None of us are free from that knowledge...none spared.
Time is a fickle thing. It ticks away...consistently...without need of motivation. There is nothing that could motivate Time. This idea that Time is relevant is peculiar, because while this is an entirely valid statement, it is also invalid. It is as true as your vantage and as false as Time is constant. Labor on that a moment.

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