Monday, February 16, 2009

I believe...

I believe in love, I belive that love conquors all. I also belive that love is as easily lost as gained. I don't believe in love at first sight, there is attraction, sure, but not love, nothing as intense as love could possibly be.

I believe that there is no such thing as 'the one'. I don't believe in fate. I believe for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I believe you create your own fate. I believe "shallow men believe in luck, and strong men believe in cause and effect," (Ralf Waldo Emerson). I believe those who are weak, those who are lazy, those who will not; believe in fate. I believe that every decision I make affects everything around me; my future, my friends, my family; as well as myself. I believe if love is lost, it is not to be blamed on such silliness as fate, whether one was 'meant to be' or not. I believe the only thing to blame would be decisions and circumstances, not just people.

I believe love lost deserves to be mourned. I believe that mourning should not take over your life. I believe life should go on, because it is obvious that it's possible, it happened before. I believe time should not be wasted on such mourning, even if it must happen. I believe we must pick ourselves up, and move on.

I believe love is not a necessity. I believe it is possible to live without love, but it is really nice to have. I believe we, as humans, have become so interdependent, that we no longer know how to be independent. I believe independence is the goal of human life, but is hindered by society's ideals.

I believe the goal of human life is pure existance. I believe the goal of existence is survival and vice versa. I believe there is no actual purpose in life but to keep it going, to not hinder others. I believe we put our own 'morals' and codes to guide life. I believe morals and religion are created to satisfy the human desire to understand, that those answers only muffle and put out that fire. I believe those are not answers at all, but merely ways to gain power.

I believe if I am ever to find happiness, I must do it alone. I believe I am a loner, and shall always be. I believe I put myself out there, hoping to find trust, only to be hurt. I believe, in order to keep strong, I must reel myself back in, and lock my heart. I believe that it is the only way to survive.

I believe everything is done in self-interest. I believe I make decisions based on self-interest.

This I believe.

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