Friday, November 23, 2012

What happened to our love?

It's weird how you were the one I always came to with problems, and now I stay as far away from you with everything as I can. You were the one person I counted on the most. You eased my fears and sorrows. You made me unadulteratedly happy...and now even looking back and smiling on the good times has its nasty side effects. I wish I could say that I don't miss you. I wish I could just look back and smile because we had such a good time together...but all that I can see right now are the mistakes that I made. Every single time I regretted doing something, everything that might have pushed you further away.  And I can't help but feel so incredibly lonely right now. Why did you have to do everything that I ever wanted a man to do for me? Why did you have to make me feel so loved and unforgettable...because all I can feel right now is exactly the opposite.

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