Friday, January 21, 2011

The realities of Love

Someone told me something about marriage that made me stop and think today.
She told me to think of the worst attribute in the one I love, afterward telling me I should multiply it by 10.
This, she said, is what marriage will be like.
She said if something bothers me about him, to not marry him.
That sounds a little cynical to me...for who has attributes everyone loves all the time.
A saying popped into my head as I was writing can't please everybody all of the time, only some people some of the time.
So what if he has some annoying qualities, I love him.

And I know the difference between being in love and loving someone.
I'd say being in love is a bit more selfish than loving someone.
A person in love is a person who gets high off of the other, it's the feelings of butterflies and that deep heart beat. While they don't only want that, I'd say it's pretty close to number one on the agenda.
But Love is more than that.
And anyone who loves someone knows what I am talking about.
For instance: the Love of a mother, a sister, a friend, a significant other....all of it has at least one thing in common.
That this love makes that person care about this other person, at times above themselves.
A mother wants the best for her child, and is willing to go to lengths beyond her happiness to make sure that happens.
A sister wants her sibling to be happy, she cares about him and is severely saddened when she finds out he's hurting himself.
A friend is supportive and understanding because she doesn't want to see her friend hurt.
I, as a girlfriend, want the best for him. I know that may mean forsaking our relationship because he has to go to school elsewhere...and however selfish I am, to want to stay with him....because of that high that being in love brings me back to Earth. I want to follow him. I want to be happy with him, but reality may be different. Fate may have different plans for us. And if that's what is best for him, I'm okay with that. Because I love him, I'm okay with it, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt.

I'd be lying if I said I can't find anything I don't like about him.
Sometimes I get annoyed by him.
Sometimes I wish he wouldn't play video games so much.
Sometimes I don't want him to be annoyed with me when I want a little bit of attention.
Sometimes I wish he would be more open with me.
Somebody told me he was boring.
But I'm not bored by him.
I love that he likes to do his own thing, just like I like to do mine.
We can't always be doing everything together.
We can't become one person.
I need to be myself just as much as he needs to be him.
And I don't want to change whatever he is.
If any change is to be made in either one of us, it should be because we see room for self improvement.
I want to be that woman that inspires him to be the best man in the world.
I think I can do it, too.
For him and for me.

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